Monday, October 11, 2010

Updating, because I forgot about this

So, updates in general. I am still in college, yay. I am still paying for it myself and hating money woes. My interesting thought for today. Have you ever met someone for the first time and managed to communicate a lot of information about yourself to him/her in a very short period of time? What I'm thinking of is when you might answer a question in a discussion. The question is supposed to be way past where the class material is, but then someone answers it pretty much completely. This happened to me recently with a TA in my history class. He asked if anyone knew anything about Plato. Some kid said he was a guy who advocated for taking kids away from their parents and raising them separate in order to be good at certain tasks. True, but not the point. I then gave a nice little summary of Plato and my TA, who definitely has a bit of an attitude was kind of surprised. About a week later we were talking about the advent of classical learning and schools, which is where he guessed how I knew about Plato. Pretty funny, actually, because now he realizes how much I know. Of course, he also wants to push me harder than the other kids, so that's a drawback, but still it was funny how in only a few sentences from each person, quite a bit more was communicated than was actually said.